Monday, May 11, 2009

How Far We've Come...

I had a perfectly lovely Mother’s Day with hand made presents, pictures and cards. We went to a nearby park for a picnic – my very favorite thing to do.

On my first Mother’s Day, we bought sandwiches and took the girls to the park for a picnic. We hadn’t planned to do this – with 6 month old twins we were still living hour by hour. It was a beautiful day and it was one of the first times either Eric or I had relaxed since the girls were born.

This year we went to the same park with our basket full of home made treats. As I was eating quiche and watching the girls run around, I thought about that day two years ago and how very far we have come. It is such an honor to be these girls’ Mummy.



Nola :: Kira

Yummy picnic treats

Nola and Daddy go for a run

My first Mother's Day



  1. You look much more relaxed (and rested) now than then - but they both look like lovely picnics!

  2. Oh honey, I miss them! They are getting soooo big!
